What are the best meditation mantras to get started?
When it comes to choosing a meditation mantra, it's important to find one that resonates with you and supports your meditation practice. Here are a few simple and commonly used mantras that can be great for beginners:
This mantra is often translated as "I am that" and is typically repeated silently while focusing on the breath. Inhale while silently repeating "So" and exhale while repeating "Hum."
This is a simple and powerful mantra that is often chanted or repeated silently. It represents the sound of the universe and can be a grounding and calming presence in your meditation practice.
This mantra is used in loving-kindness meditation and is a way to cultivate feelings of compassion and kindness towards oneself and others. The mantra is often repeated silently while focusing on sending positive intentions and energy to oneself and others.
This mantra translates to "peace be with you" and can be a great way to promote a sense of calm and relaxation in your meditation practice. It can be repeated silently or chanted out loud.
The Takeaway
Remember, the most important aspect of a meditation mantra is that it feels authentic and supportive to you. Experiment with different mantras and find the one that resonates with you and supports your practice.
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